Hui Li


From September 2013, I am a PhD student at the Institute of Computer science at Heidelberg University in the Database Systems Research group, supervised by Prof. Dr. Michael Gertz. Currently my research focus is social network extraction and exploration of historical correspondences.

I studied Computational Linguistics at Tsinghua University and Nanjing Normal University in China and received my M.A. in July 2013.

Mail: (at) informatik (dot) uni-heidelberg (dot) de

Research Interests

  • Social Network Analytics
  • Digital Humanities
  • POS Tagging and normalization for historical languages


  • Hui Li, Jannik Strötgen, Julian Zell, and Michael Gertz.
    Chinese Temporal Tagging with HeidelTime.
    In: Proceedings of the 14th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL '14), Gotheburg, Sweden, April 26-30. 2014, 133:137
  • Hui Li.
    Social Network Extraction and Exploration of Historic Correspondences.
    In: Bulletin of IEEE Technical Committee on Digital Libraries. 2014, 1:5

Other Experiences

Internship at the Department of Natural Language Processing at Baidu (search engine), Sep.2012 -Dec.2012.
Piano player for the 2014 DKFZ New Year Reception. Jan.16, 2014.